Monday, September 19, 2011

Bali, Log Date: September, 17th-18th, 2011 - Rumbling Weekend

Honda '79
Saturday is, what Saturday supposed to be...
Slow and easy, even when I know work Saturdays. Things were going smoothly and not full of surprises,
although there are some things lost to mind. Got some confirmation on work related stuffs, finished the days work, and went home. After that, we had dinner at Kuta, meeting my friend there at the same time.

I went to go with my friend after, going to his place, had some drink and  lots of chat about his and my situation.
Also, we talk about his clothing line. He has been working on it over some years, and he said about how he was not doing it the right way. and he is trying to find ways to get more profit, while trying to be original at the same time. It's not an easy thing, but still doable, with a lot of efforts.

Sunday, another thing coming my way. Plan to the beach, a meeting at a cliff club, and another meeting with Lomonesia Bali.
I went out with my brother at noon, and after going to denpasar to pick up my friend, off we go to Padang Padang Beach at Pecatu. we reach the beach at 3PM.

Swimmed, got pricked by sea urchins, water was cold, waves is big, but had fun all the same.
Sea Urchin spines pricks

went to the Cliff Club called El Kabron (my spanish friend said it means "bencong")
El Kabron cliff club
The place was far, but the view was great, its also expensive, so only if you have more to spend ( I came to accompany my friend "The Emergency Exit Bali" for a band gig deal).
After that, off to Lomonesia meeting (stopped by for dinner before, and speed to the meeting place)
Good meeting, lots of ideas, lots of things to do, and now I'm blogging... hahaha...

Let's do this.
First thing first!

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