Sunday, October 14, 2012

It Was an Evening I Shared With The Sun

"It was an evening I shared with the sun, to find out where we belong, from the earliest day, we were dancing in the shadows." Lakini's Juice from Live blaring on my headphone. Catching the scattered words and memories from the past, tonight I'm going to write just that.

Two Thousand Twelve, June, Fourth, early evening, Lingkara.
She sends me some cookies through her friend, noting that it was for me only. It happened after we chat about me being hungry and wanted to get something to eat, but too lazy to get stuffs. It was sweet. Still catching up where we left off yesterday and the months we were wondering why I did not talk more to her.
Things are looking up into something I don't know, but made me excited and really interested about her. The unknown is intriguing, and it made me become what I am before series of things happened to me and altered me into a weird person (if I'm not already am from the start) and got socially awkward. So, it shone some light up my alley, getting interested and intrigued does makes people think of ideas.

Two Thousand Twelve, October, Fourteenth, My place
It was a hot day, and a long one too. It started early, but it was fun. I get the my first chance to wear a Balinese outfit, Kain, Udeng, and all. Went to a friend's place for a ceremony. It was a hot day. went back to my place in the scorching heat. We ate a full set lunch, and got ice cream. Taken a picture of us with my Lubitel 166B, hope it works. we spend the afternoon relaxing and talking and do some stuffs. Lazy day.
It was fun. We talked about goals and achievements and study plans and feelings and almost every other stuffs.
Things are sweet now, but I figure, If it doesn't get anywhere better for me from now, nothing will. So starting inside, don't give up. Follow your heart, you'll be okay.

My mind is on an overdrive tonight, distracted by the hot night and text I'm getting from my mom.
I'll continue later. Patience my friends :)

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