Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Her Morning Elegance, Art & Music Festival

Tonight, with the company of Oren Lavie song, Her Morning Elegance, I am trying to continue where I left off yesterday. Still telling the story from the recent past, connected to my random meeting with a girl, without touching each other life (or maybe it did, I just didn't notice it).

Two Thousand Twelve, February, Twenty Eighth, afternoon, Literature Faculty of Udayana University.
It has been a few weeks since I got my new motorcycle, I am no longer riding my bike everywhere around. There was a festival going on, being member of the Lomonesia Bali, we were invited to display our unique photography community. There was also some bands playing, food bazaar, and talkshow about health issues on autoimmune diseases (I think it's Lupus). I arrived late for the set up, but early for the event. After hanging around for awhile, people are starting to gather, the bands started playing.
Not to my surprise, but felt excited at the same time, we met again. She was coming with her friends, I said hi, she said "Hi Niki..." and giving me a nice smile. She didn't stay for long, got another thing to do with her friends. Only much later that I know, there could be something about us, but I didn't really follow it through for some reasons. It's either the unstable me, or the wall I saw around her. Close, friendly, yet not that open. Maybe this is just my excuse of being a screw up.
Anyway, the moment passed, and I stayed for the event, my brother came by later to watch some band playing, including L'alphalpha with my friend as the manager. we said goodbye after, going our separate ways, my brother and I.

Two thousand Twelve, October, Second, almost midnight, the mosquitoes are vicious out here.
Today we have not contacted each other, I managed to feel okay and just doing stuffs at work. Getting myself busy and my senses going. She is still on my mind, no doubt. For some reason last night I had a dream about her dad, we were starting out awkward, but went to a journey together and some crazy dream event, eventually he said, "You're not so bad after all." This is just my subconscious hoping things would be well. I know that much.
After hours, I met my brother, picked him up from college, and let him drive my motorcycle. He was kinda nervous, never really ride a bike before, but so far nothing happens, besides some honking and got side tracked couple of times. I dropped him home to my aunt's and went home. and that sums up my day.

Let's see what tomorrow brings, shall we?

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