Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bali Log Date: 11.08.2011 - The Rainy Season

The grey clouds are hanging out a lot these days.
Rain is literally pouring in.
Last couple of months, I said that none of my shoes is free of sands,
Now, none of them are dry, all had a slight of dampness from the rain.
But don't get me wrong, I like rain.
As long as none of my electronics got wet and short-circuited, that is.

You guys must want to read some updates of what's going on around here, don't you?
Or you just don't care. whichever suits you, I don't mind, really...

Oh did I told you already that I got a new bicycle?
Well, I did. this is my bicycle (oh its on facebook btw)
And lately, since i travel with it almost every day, she got a taste of rain too...
I really am not a good at taking care of stuffs, e.g. my bicycle.
She got in the rain and all I did was wiped it dry, and she is now showing sign of rust.

So, rainy season, duck season, Asean Fair at Nusa Dua, heard some good music and seen some good handicrafts there. And also, tomorrow I'm going to this Jason Mraz concert, got my free ticket.
Quite a funny story, that is. It was an afternoon, I was checking my timeline on twitter, and some Free Magazine offers free tickets, so I said. I want it. And they simply gave it to me. What a life.

How about things on the other side? What other side?
Right now, the other side is pouring, while I'm sitting in a Cafe with roof on top of it, so I'm not wet.
Do I feel sorry for anyone else who is in the rain? not really...
I'm just being this selfish ignorant bastard, So sue me...

Life is getting exciting and dull.
I just didn't get easily excited anymore (except on mornings).
And this is bad, because IF I'm bored, things just might get a little too much.
Both socially and economically.

Ah, another blabber...
Let's skip this and get to the point.

Rainy season had effect on people, positive and negative ones.
I see 3 Kind of people:
1. People who likes the rain
2. People who hates the rain
3. People who just don't care

So, there will be some constant nagging going around, some smiles and gloomy faces, the rushing before the rain kind of people, the stay at home people, the dancing in the rain people (rarely spotted), and the unlucky 'caught in the rain' people.

All is well on my side, for me, rainy season is just a chance for a fashion change, not to mention this is the tropical island where people wear sundresses all the time. Well, its time to get your coats and shawls and scarves and hoods and raincoats and boots out of the closet. Let us face the rain with style. And don't forget your umbrellas while you're at it.

Whatever the weather has in store for you, we, human beings, has created so many things to adapt to it.
So just live another day, dance in the rain, wear your boots and coats, open up your umbrella, and have fun.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ah too bad, ga berpapasan di konsernya, but lucky you got a free ticket eh ? :)
