Sunday, February 24, 2013

Runny nose, sore throat, and silence

Two thousand thirteen, february, twenty fourth. Art Centre, Jalan Nusa Indah, Denpasar. Sunny day.

Packing up my camera for a photo hunt, I felt sick. I went anyway. Arrived at the meeting point and found out it was indeed some photography event going on. This is not my idea of photo hunting, models and vintage cars. All set up for hundreds of photographers (wannabes) to catch some light into their digital photo sensors. It tooked me some time to find my friends, so I wonder around to look for other events going on at this art centre, hooked up to a Balinese dance performance.

Finally got to meet the guys, I didn't take many shots. Instead I sketched a little. I took pictures of us together, for documentation purposes. Just before heading back home. And that was all.
Not a very productive weekend, if I may say.

Niki, Denpasar - not in the best mood, or health.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Analogue-digital photo hack: cheap way to digitalize your processed films.

This might be already been thought about by other people, but i will try to share what i found out today.

So, looking at my pile of film negatives, and not having a film scanner at hand, i decided to try and take pictures of them using my camera phone. Under a fair light, i took a picture of it, resulting a negative picture. Then i figure, how about i use my camera apps to invert it from negative to positive (color photos). So, i used 'vignette' apps, took a picture and set the filter to negative. You can see the results below. I posted both color and black and white pictures.
It does not produce a focused pictures, thanks to the limit of my camera phone. But you might have a better camera on your phone, and with proper light, voila! Instant film scanning :)

Just the right choice if you are, like me, can't wait to get your pictures uploaded and shared to the rest of the world.

I will post some more ideas in the future, i hope :)


All pictures are my collection and the for for yours to enjoy. Make your own and let's create more :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Something for the road

We humans, are the most wandering creatures, on the earth, that is. Compared to other living creatures on the face of this planet, humankind has developed so much external adaptation in order to occupy a piece of land, worldwide. From the tropical beaches to the top of mountains, from the scorching desert to the freezing tundra, we have made extreme places fit to live in.

Our adaptation are slightly different from our relatives in the animal kingdom, yet we are forever learning from them. We made tools mimicking what animal have as parts of their bodies,some are better from the original. We use available resources to provide our needs, manipulate it to make our lives easier.

For some reasons, although humans has adapted the culture to dwells on particular places, setting roots and settled, we are still wandering adventurers. At least some of us. In our constantly changing mind, we are always looking for something new, albeit it's genuinely new or something that we just happen to stumble upon. Discoveries are made from the early age of knowledge, and keeps adding up. New replacing old, or enriching it, altered and expanding.

"Something for the road" is a custom tradition for fellow travelers. Travelers bring goods from faraway lands, and also stories. Each time they visit a certain place, another story are made. When the visit ends, and another journey begins, they have made new acquaintances and friends. In exchange of the goods and stories they share, people gave provisions suitable for the journey, sometimes a token to remember them by.
I am always interested in something new, and also something I can relate to. I'm sure most of the people are too. I also like the fact that I constantly moving to find something new. Though lately, I've been yearning for a place I can call home. At least at the end of each journey, I can sit on chair and start writing. Or tell it in a way that it will be useful to someone else, each for their own needs.

Now, to keep it organized, first I must start taking more notes.

Niki, Denpasar 13 February 2013, 00:29.