Saturday, March 10, 2012

free writing and mind relieving

I got tangled over my daily log, so now it’s free writing time…
What have I been thinking lately? What is happening with me, around me, beyond me?
And why the hell did I have that dream last night, and what I thought about after.
Supernatural things never have been my cup of tea, yet I dreamed about some freaky kid that my friend has and suddenly my mind was wandering to the supernatural world, that is just how our mind works, I presume. And on top of all that, I wet my bed a little. And now, my mind is thinking over things that I shouldn’t be worrying about. How inconvenient, and my day was awful, I don’t have any desire to work, I chat all day, and now… even a cup of Joe didn’t do the trick.
But let us wait until I finished my coffee, and also finish this writing, maybe things will get better. Meanwhile, around me, my family is (still) a mess, I’m having trouble relating to people here, and my work sucks. Hahaha seems like a lot of problems… well, it’s not really that bad, come to think of it, now I’m still drinking a 10K cup of coffee and eating some friend sesame bread with shrimp (whatever that is). There are people with bigger problems, and most of them still survived the day just fine, without being depressed (I do really hope so).
The fried bread is actually good stuff *nom nom nom…*.  And after these things combined (writing, coffee, and food) I actually feel better. Hmmm, oh yeah, I am also listening to some music (not the music playing in this place, but my own music), Fix You by Coldplay is playing now, and I’m running out of lines. Oh, how I do smoke a lot today. I wonder how I will get a balanced life this way… Well, I guess somehow I’ll manage. Let’s see now, bad feelings gone, (Love Song by 311 is playing) a mild migraine is still here, I’m promising myself to do better at work tomorrow, I will not limit myself but will know my own strength, talk to my family more, get a lot more of new friends, and on top of all, being good.
Now, maybe I should talk about broader topics. Since about 3 years ago, I have been joining this photography community, Lomonesia, stand for Lomography Society Indonesia. I think some of you might already know what that is, while the rest of you don’t have a clue. So let me enlighten you in ways that I think is best. If you know any other photography communities, what we do is simply taking pictures. But, the catch is, in this digital world now, we in Lomonesia are Analogue Lovers (I’ll get back to you about analogue). We shoot photos using film cameras, and not only that, the cameras we used are unique in every way (appearance, how to use, results). Analogue is the opposite of digital, so the cameras we use are all mechanical (most of them plastic), using film rolls, plastic lenses that create lo-fi images, and often the pictures are unpredictable. Sounds like a scam, huh? Heheh…
Well, I really should show some pictures I made with those plastic analogue cameras I got. And then maybe it will show how it is unique. Anyway… enough with the introduction, so after moving to Bali, the first friends I got is actually from this community, since it’s a worldwide community and in Indonesia alone, there are representative in most of the major cities. So, being a new guy in town, I got friends already, what a wonderful thing, not being too alienated and all. Next step is making a movement, even now; we are brewing a plan for some event for the community here in Bali, Godspeed…

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