“Kopi Keliling”, or you may call “Kopling” is a collaborative Art Project put together
by a bunch of artists from Indonesia that took coffee as the theme of the project.
Why coffee?
Coffee has been a part of Indonesian culture for ages. Written records show that the
first coffee to set foot in Indonesia (Batavia) was back in the year 1696 by the Dutch
colonial known as VOC (Vereninging Oogst-Indies Company). You may remember it
from the history lessons. Since then Indonesia has been exporting coffee to many
countries all over the world.
Indonesian eventually took the coffee drinking culture into their daily life. We just love a
cup of coffee while having a conversation with friends. It is one of the great qualities of
this concoction. From conversations we can exchange stories, thoughts, or even dreams.
Kopi Keliling?
We are invited by the artists to listen to their story, to feel their thoughts and see their dreams
through a journey of visuals in 5 different places within 5 months. Where in each different places
we will experience different stories.
As they say: “good things happen over coffee”, come join us, grab a cup of coffee and have a
great conversation. You’d never know, it might lead us to something extraordinary.
Kopi Keliling Project Volume 1
The first of many Kopi Keliling series to come. Featuring 10 talented illustrators fromJakarta.
They will tell their tale about coffee through their latest artwork. Accompanied with lovely tunes
from our local bands, together we will experience a fresh look of art and creativity. A celebration
of our local talent and heritage which is art and coffee.
20 February 2011 : Opening Event (Music Performance, Art and Photo Corner)
Sunday At Twelve, Sovana & the Goons, Luky Annash
21 Feb - 04 Mar '11 : Exhibition Only (opening hours: 12 pm - 08 pm)
05 March 2011 : Closing Event (Music Performance, Art and Photo Corner)
Bangku Taman, Swimming Elephants, Andryo Haripradono
Click www.kopikeliling.com for more detail and follow us on twitter @kopikeliling for daily updates.
Contact us:
m 0812 8068 031
m 0856 1708 021
tw @kopikeliling
fb Kopi Keliling
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