Friday, March 14, 2008

murky march

12 march 2008, 19:03 WIB

welcome again my faithful readers,
to the minds of a lunatic biologist who works in a graphic design agency..

first of all,
I would like to say that right now, my mind has no such control for order in chronological means. So I will write randomly about anything, anything that comes into my mind at this very moment, and hopefully it will not screw up you beautiful day.

Okay then, lets start.
it's rainy season, and I have a damp room, full of dirty laundry that i kept forgetting to wash and or send to the nearest laundry.
To add the effect, I have not been very punctual at the moment, having trouble getting up early (actually no trouble, but I tend to prolonged my sleeping time after the alarm went off)
But luckily, all the things (or is it just me) seems to move along with me on thus rather slow movement.
Maybe it's the rainy season.

Since I got a new bike (as in bicycle not motorbike) I've been going around and about on it.
Quite tiring, and fun, and save me some money and time, and since it's vintage, from time to time people start looking at me and my bike. Sometimes they frown, sometime they looked with awe, sometime they smile, but that's all ok for me.

the job.
Not getting any easier, but nothing that I couldn't handle, because we do are constantly learning. kinda hectic, but just trying to keep enjoying and think positive and make it fun. So far nothing really stressed me out, or at least not for long.

been meeting some old ones, and new ones.
both is good, and broadening my view of life (am I getting too boring?)

And so, what is next?
For me, my life, my family, my friends, my extra friends, my colleagues, my associates, haha...
Let me give a deep thought on that.
and get back to you, my faithful readers, when i had the time to write in in this digital log.

it's late, and I have an appointment,
so I'm off.

19:25 WIB
Niki Out

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