Tuesday, June 17, 2008

and we were kings and queens

Just when everything seems to go wrong, it turns out that, it doesn't

Life is always a surprise, at least that is how i see it.
Things can become very predictable, or it could be very abstract.

we don't know where we will be in the future... but we can make our way to something that makes us smile, makes us happy, makes us feel alive.

Even in this black and white picture, you can see that, we still have and can express our emotion, our dreams, our style.

and what will people say?

Tuesday 16:44 wib
Niki out

Saturday, June 7, 2008

saturday night and I'm broke

Well, if you have seen the photo, and have identified where I've been,
with my monthly salary, you can consider myself as almost broke.
but then again, I'm still living, having a great time, and been growing
and thinking since that picture was taken.

And to tell you the truth, my life, have changed or it will change.
I will take another way to get to somewhere I really belong.

Still have no clue, but now, I will JUMP. LEAP.
to ensure my future, and be someone.

Saturday 07.06.2008
21.25 wib
Niki Out