Monday, August 15, 2011

Daily Log in Bali 08.06.2011

Log Date: 08.06.2011
Today is Saturday; I went to work with my aunt. Do some morning chores at home before, and got somethings to do at work. After that I went out with the driver to do some errand. I went out through the East Nakula Street, head left to Imam Bonjol Street, pass a traffic light, goes left on the next traffic light to Gunung Soputan Street, and then turn Right to Mahendradata Road. Goes straight from there to Buluh Indah Road, after going through a few crossroads (three, I think). Arrived at the meeting point with a Villa owner, got some document, and went back to the office.
At the office, send some emails, reply some other, take some calls, and finished up just before dusk. Now, it’s time for some leisure time. I went out from the office to Oberoi Street (Kayu Aya Street is the real name). from there I went to the Art Café, there is a photo exhibition by the pinhole camera community (Semut Ireng Photography). The name of the event was Cerita Dengan Kaleng. The photos were made by kids from Guang Village, Gianyar from Yayasan Anak Tangguh. They took it with pinhole cameras made out of cans. The pictures were good, and there are also dance performance by the kids, and music by some local bands.

I met my friend Anggara there, and then meet some more new friends, Bambang, Linda, Dwi, Abel, Isyam, Vivick, Zenith and I also met my Lomonesian friends there. We are planning to go for a photo hunt tomorrow to Negara. It is about 2-3 hour drive. So let’s rest now. I’ll tell all about it tomorrow. Good night.

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