Sunday, August 28, 2011

Daily Log in Bali 07.20.2011 - Bedugul Trip

Log Date: 08.25.2011
Woke up early and pack all the stuffs in the car, drove to the office. Wait for my aunt to come and off we go to Bedugul. Well, not really, we stopped by the supermarket to buy some stuffs, picked up my aunt’s friends in Nusa Dua, and then went to Bedugul. We stopped at the Café Tahu in Baturiti, had some variety of tofu cuisine. 

 Drove up again and reach our rented villa, stopped by at a Buddhist temple before. The villa was nice, located uphill, with 3 bedrooms and a nice terrace, facing the Beratan Lake.

After settling in, I decided to take a walk down to the lake. Through the vegetables farms I went down, passing some farmers, cows, and local people. After asking around, I finally reach the Lake. Not much to see, beside the water and plantation around it. Took some pictures, and after going around, I went back to the villa, got lost on the way back, but manage to reach it in time. It was a nice walk.

It’s getting colder, and we went out to find some food. We stopped at the market, ate some satay. Bought some to take away, and went back to the villa. We had some barbequed corn and some sausages, drink some wine, and after some cheerful moments, went to bed. I get to sleep on the top bedroom, it was totally cold…

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