mostly words, sometimes pictures, or doodles, occasionally information
Monday, February 28, 2011
And I really did just being who I am.
I just got scared. Maybe.
But you see... I am expanding.
So we'll see...
Friday, February 18, 2011
February Friday Fry-Day
followed by a hot morning, although windy.
had breakfast, sleep on the bus.
wait for another bus, and wearing a sweater, why?
reaching noon, the heat is just nearly un-bear-able.
but oh well...
This is the Tropic
(despite the fact about global warming and the building material chosen for this place, and the infrastructure)
carrying on, heard the news today, on cinemas, and imported movies, is it true?
should we complain? to whom might we share our concerns and complaints?
Anyhow, life is just getting to get interesting.
and despite the fact that i can not make big decision whatsoever on personal things,
I have to make 'some' for the goodness of my well-being.
So let people say things, shout, mock, cheer, scold...
I'll listen and won't listen.
and move along.
my pace, speeding up.
up to speed, with everything that are revolving around me, and also
retract, things into my gravity.
in order, to smile happier, live longer, do more, create more, with soul, and heart, logically.
I'm game.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Come and gather round this Sunday

Monday, February 7, 2011
Monday mornings
Most people, don't like it.
Monday morning.
It's like waking up after a deep slumber, a system restart, that need some time to come round.
After you spend your weekend,
doing things that maybe,
You like more than what you were doing, daily.
Unless, you are living it already.
But yeah, we are driven by people. Making mondays a drag, is just a piece of mind.
You can easily change it. Can you?
Well, if you're a working drone,
and you don't do anything exhausting on your spare time,
it might work.
How many substances that we inserted, into our body,
just to help us going through the day?
My day is starting.
Haven't decided where it will go.
Let it surprise me...
Have a nice monday morning!
(Despite the sad news yesterday in indonesia, religious killing)
*reminder to self: move faster