it's may.
been going out for about two months.
and having some new problems
not to big or complicated,
but still
so I have been dating this girl, she's in college, undergraduate,
an active person, she plays hockey, she's into campus organization,
she's into religious organization, she had tons of assignment,
and a very protective parents.
no problem whatsoever,
at first.
Well that's what I thought.
But then, we sort of having trouble coping with each others situation.
we don't get out a lot.
we don't really talk that much (well she talk and i listened, sort of)
and she's keeps whining about how things are hard on her.
the parents.
the studies.
the whole activities.
So, I tried giving her advices or different point of view.
And she thinks I'm not supporting her.
We dated for two months and I don't see us making a significant progress.
So, what is wrong?
maybe a trip somewhere alone would do the trick.
It's just that, it's kinda hard for her to make time.
Well, that's what i thought.
anyway, this and that,
maybe we'll talk and try to see the real picture.
14:58 WIB
niki out