daily planet on this tiny little spot
mostly words, sometimes pictures, or doodles, occasionally information
Friday, May 31, 2013
Pelangi untuk hari ini dan Esok
Gemar mengarung, luas samudera..
Menerjang ombak, tiada takut..
Menembus badai, sudah biasa..
Angin bertiup, layar terkembang
Ombak menderu, di pantai karang
Pemuda b'rani bangkit sekarang
Ke laut kita beramai-ramai..."
Pagi ini laut memanggil, ada sebuah kapal yang membawa semangat besar, merapat di Pelabuhan Benoa.
Mengarungi laut Indonesia, mulai dari 9 Mei--10 Juni 2013, dari Jayapura, Papua sampai di Bali 31 Mei, kemudian berakhir pada 10 Juni di Jakarta.
Saya mengaku suka sekali dengan laut, tetapi sebenarnya pengetahuan dan kepedulian saya sangat sedikit.
Saya hanya suka jalan-jalan, menikmati keindahan terumbu karang dan ikan-ikan warna-warni.
Ingin sekali bisa berbagi, mengajak teman-teman untuk tahu, ada apa di bawah permukaan air.
Hari ini, saya berkenalan dengan Laskar Pelangi, tapi bukan versi Andrea Hirata, bahkan bukan manusia.
Laskar pelangi yang ini bukan tokoh impersonisasi, melainkan berbentuk sebuah Kapal Layar berkecepatan 7 knot, membawa sebuah semangat dan visi untuk berkampanye untuk Laut Indonesia.
Mendokumentasi dan mencoba untuk menanggulangi ancaman terhadap Laut Dunia, termasuk laut di Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan terbesar.
Satu kapal, berlayar mengelilingi dunia, menyebarkan semangat, merapat di pelabuhan-pelabuhan di seluruh dunia. Indonesia, Bali, merupakan salah satu penyumbang terbesar terhadap keanekaragaman hayati laut dunia. Saat ini, teman-teman dari berbagai komunitas, lembaga, dan pribadi, sedang berkumpul, mendiskusikan sebuah deklarasi yang bertujuan, untuk membuat "Laut Indonesia yang Terpulihkan, Sehat dan Terlindungi"
Saya cuma bisa mendengarkan, menyerap, sembari menambah relasi, dan mungkin setelah ini, berpartisipasi, untuk memastikan bahwa keindahan bawah laut Indonesia ini, bisa saya nikmati kembali.
Mari kita pikirkan bersama, dan cek di
mudah-mudahan menginspirasi, kemudian mengambil tindakan.
Niki, Denpasar - 31 Mei 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Mengurai Rajutan Pelangi
Aku suka sekali dengan pelangi.
Ia warna-warni.
Aku suka sekali, berlari.
Merasakan angin di kedua belah pipi.
Aku suka sekali, melihat geligi, dengan lengkung di sudut bibir, senyum yang menggembungkan pipi.
Aku merindukan, rasa hangat di antara kedua belah kaki.
Yang membuat jantungku berdetak barararadumdum...
Aku ingat akan kecupan, jilatan dan hisapan, yang menghabiskan nafasku, walau aku tidak ingin berhenti.
Aku menikmati, saat dingin menusuk tubuhku hingga menggemeletukkan gigi, dan menderakkan sendi-sendi.
Aku tahu, aku berjalan tanpa arti, kesana kemari. Dan akan terus, sebelum aku mati.
Aku cuma ingin, berwarna-warni, seperti pelangi,
Sebelum kembali lebur menjadi putih.
Denpasar, 2013, Mei 16.
Mencoba berpuisi, terbersit karena buku berjudul "Unweaving The Rainbow" oleh Richard Dawkins. Juga terinduksi setelah membaca blog seorang teman yang bahagia hari ini.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Wake up, time to greet the Sun
April, two thousand thirteen, twenty eight, Gili Lontar, Sekotong, Lombok Barat.
Waking up on a deserted island can be quite a thrill for some, and a scare for other. I prefer the prior, and the sense of adventure is growing within me. I am not a big enthusiast on outdoor survival, but we do have some times where we just have to gather all the available resources, and keep on going.
The pointy ball of spikes on the picture is Spinnifex grass, or some call it "rumput lari-lari", a tropical version of western movie Tumbleweed. It goes running when blown by the wind. Quite interesting to play with on the sand, with just a handful of people around.
The island itself is captivating, the white sands, clear blue water, crashing waves going on and on, the coral reef, and the fresh almost unpolluted air, and the cawing of seabirds. We spent a night there camping, making bonfire and all, grilling fishes, octopus, potatoes and shellfishes. IT's nice to get so close to the nature, that the beauty and silence almost choking you, in a good way. Because you have been exposed to way too many pollution and urban life. A getaway, you may call it. I prefer hugging the ripple, caressing the sea urchins, schooling with the little green fishes and floating over the giant table coral.
I will post some more with more pictures and the whole story, meanwhile just enjoy the sun, wherever you are, because it is a privilege you can enjoy, only as much.
Niki, Denpasar 04 May 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Taking a Silent Day in the Silent World

I will tell you a story, of an enchanted journey.
Not a fairy tale, or out of this world kind of stuffs.
Just a simple Four hours motorcycle ride, with friends, old and new.
All with a similar interest.
Call it coincidences, or a simple encounter and questions asked.
Followed by spontaneous response, and a promise to a new place yet to be seen.

the four hour ride ended to this place.

photo courtesy of @linaPW |
photo courtesy of @linaPW |
photo courtesy of @linaPW |
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Ganesh looking Westward |
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Statue of Ganesh |
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orange pipefish on branch corals |
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Sergeant Major Fishes (Abudefduf sp.) |
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green table coral |
butterfly fish (photo courtesy of Shiro) |
Clown fish (Amphiprion ocellaris) Photo Courtesy of Shiro |
Black Sea lily (Crinoidea) |
Soft Coral |
meeting the jellies |
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Runny nose, sore throat, and silence
Two thousand thirteen, february, twenty fourth. Art Centre, Jalan Nusa Indah, Denpasar. Sunny day.
Packing up my camera for a photo hunt, I felt sick. I went anyway. Arrived at the meeting point and found out it was indeed some photography event going on. This is not my idea of photo hunting, models and vintage cars. All set up for hundreds of photographers (wannabes) to catch some light into their digital photo sensors. It tooked me some time to find my friends, so I wonder around to look for other events going on at this art centre, hooked up to a Balinese dance performance.
Finally got to meet the guys, I didn't take many shots. Instead I sketched a little. I took pictures of us together, for documentation purposes. Just before heading back home. And that was all.
Not a very productive weekend, if I may say.
Niki, Denpasar - not in the best mood, or health.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Analogue-digital photo hack: cheap way to digitalize your processed films.
This might be already been thought about by other people, but i will try to share what i found out today.
So, looking at my pile of film negatives, and not having a film scanner at hand, i decided to try and take pictures of them using my camera phone. Under a fair light, i took a picture of it, resulting a negative picture. Then i figure, how about i use my camera apps to invert it from negative to positive (color photos). So, i used 'vignette' apps, took a picture and set the filter to negative. You can see the results below. I posted both color and black and white pictures.
It does not produce a focused pictures, thanks to the limit of my camera phone. But you might have a better camera on your phone, and with proper light, voila! Instant film scanning :)
Just the right choice if you are, like me, can't wait to get your pictures uploaded and shared to the rest of the world.
I will post some more ideas in the future, i hope :)
All pictures are my collection and the for for yours to enjoy. Make your own and let's create more :)